

SRM – Designed in Fermi National Lab Chicago – Storage Resource Managers (SRMs) are middleware components whose function is to provide dynamic space allocation and file management on shared storage components on the Grid.


FAST TCP – developed by Professor Steven Low of Caltech’s computer science department is an alternative congestion control algorithm in TCP. It is designed for high speed data transfers over large distance, e.g., tens of gigabyte files across the Atlantic.


dCache – The goal of this project is to provide a system for storing and retrieving huge amounts of data, distributed among a large number of heterogeneous server nodes, under a single virtual filesystem tree with a variety of standard access methods. Depending on the Persistency Model, dCache provides methods for exchanging data with backend (tertiary) Storage Systems as well as space management, pool attraction, dataset replication, hot spot determination and


FDT – One of the key advances in this demonstration was Fast Data Transport (FDT;, an open source Java application developed by the Caltech team in close collaboration with the Polytehnica Bucharest team. FDT runs on all major platforms and uses the NIO libraries to achieve stable disk reads and writes coordinated with smooth data flow across long-range networks. The FDT application streams a large set of files across an open