SC19 Network Research Exhibition NRE-022 Toward Unified Resource Discovery and Programming in Multi-Domain Networks

Submitted on behalf of the team by: Harvey Newman, Caltech,, Qiao Xiang and Jensen Zhang, Yale University, {qiao.xiang, jingxuang.zhang}

Original NRE-022 Paper


The Yale, IBM, ESNet and Caltech team will demonstrate a novel, unified multi-domain resource discovery and programming system for data-intensive collaborative sciences. Specifically, this system provides three key components: (1) a fine-grained, accurate, highly-efficient multi-domain multi-resource discovery framework (a substantial extension of the team’s SC’18 Mercator paper), (2) a strong machine learning component to provide accurate performance prediction for dynamic, reactive science workflows, and (3) a high- level resource programming and composition framework. This demonstration will include: (1) efficient discovery of multiple available resources in a multi-domain wide-area collaborative science network connecting Los Angeles and Denver, (2) real-time, accurate performance prediction for dynamic, reactive science workflows in this wide-area network, and (3) high-level resource programming and composition in science network with automatic resource orchestration update.


  1. Demonstrate how the proposed framework can discover fine-grained, global multi-resource information across networks while preserving the privacy of different networks [1-3];
  2. Demonstrate how machine learning techniques can be utilized to provide accurate performance prediction for dynamic, reactive science workflows [4];
  3. Demonstrate how a high-level resource programming language simplifies the resource orchestration in science networks [5]


This demo is composed of three domains. In particular, we will use 2-4 data transfer nodes (DTNs) and 2 switches in the Caltech booth at SC19 exhibit floor to form one network. This network will be connected to the Caltech SDN testbed located at Pasadena, California via a 100 Gbps WAN circuit, provided by SCinet, CenturyLink and CENIC Los Angeles. In the SDN testbed, several switches and DTNs will be used to form two other domains.

Involved Parties

  • Qiao Xiang, Yale University,
  • Jensen Zhang, Yale University,
  • Harvey Newman, California Institute of Technology,
  • Y. Richard Yang, Yale University,
  • Franck Le, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,
  • Chin Guok, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
  • John MacAuley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,


  1. Xiang, Qiao, Jingxuan Jensen Zhang, Xin Tony Wang, Yang Jace Liu, Chin Guok, Franck Le, John MacAuley, Harvey Newman, and Y. Richard Yang. “Toward Fine-Grained, Privacy-Preserving, Efficient Multi-Domain Network Resource Discovery.” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37, no. 8 (2019): 1924-1940.
  2. Xiang, Qiao, X. Tony Wang, J. Jensen Zhang, Harvey Newman, Y. Richard Yang, and Y. Jace Liu. “Unicorn: Unified resource orchestration for multi-domain, geo-distributed data analytics.” Future Generation Computer Systems 93 (2019): 188-197.
  3. Xiang, Qiao, J. Jensen Zhang, X. Tony Wang, Y. Jace Liu, Chin Guok, Franck Le, John MacAuley, Harvey Newman, and Y. Richard Yang. “Fine-grained, multi-domain network resource abstraction as a fundamental primitive to enable high-performance, collaborative data sciences.” In SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, pp. 58-70. IEEE, 2018.
  4. Gao, Kai, Jingxuan Zhang, Y. Richard Yang, and Jun Bi. “Prophet: Fast Accurate Model-Based Throughput Prediction for Reactive Flow in DC Networks.” In IEEE INFOCOM 2018- IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, pp. 720- 728. IEEE, 2018.
  5. Gao, Kai, Taishi Nojima, and Y. Richard Yang. “T rident: toward a unified SDN programming framework with automatic updates.” In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, pp. 386-401. ACM, 2018.