Network Connections
This year’s focus is on demonstrating 100GE SDN using dark fiber connections within the show floor among Caltech, Univ of Michigan, StarLight, Dell, Vanderbilt Univ, Stanford Univ and Echostreams.
100GE WAN Connections:
2 x 100GE Ethernet connections
1 x 100GE Ethernet connection from StarLight Booth
DF Connections
7 x 100GE Dark Fiber connections
Network InterConnect
The OpenFlow SDN ring is composed of Dell Z9100 switches, providing 32 x 100GE ports with a total switching capacity of 6.4Tbps (full duplex). These switches support Openflow 1.0 and 1.3 agents and compliant with the latest version of OpenDaylight (ODL) Lithium controller. Brocade switch is also part of the Openflow topology and is facing SCinet for WAN handoff.

WAN Diagram
This diagram shows in general the external sites involved in the data transfers.

Rack Layout
Caltech Booth is composed of two racks with highly dense switching and server equipment.