SCInet Waves
This year 7 Waves from SCInet were procured, each providing connectivity from booth to SCInet NOC with details below:
1. UltrLight to LA – Dark Fiber
2. PacWave to LA
3. NLR FrameNet to LA
4. NLR FrameNet to SEA
5. NLR PacketNet to LA
6. NLR PacketNet to SEA
7. Internet2
Network InterConnect
Single Cisco 6509-E fully populated with 10GE interfaces was used. Each of the SCInet was terminated at one of the line card as depicted in the diagram below to achieve full line rate performance and to avoid any link outage due to line card failure.

WAN Diagram

Rack Layout

Data Flow using 7 Waves
For effective utilization of these waves with the rack of servers at show floor and servers located at Caltech and with other research partners worldwide and to further evaluate each link performance following unique methodology was used:
Wave-A: Ultralight Loop over NLR (Reno LA Reno)

Wave-B: Pacwave (Reno LA Caltech)
* (Link was tested at 8Gbps but due to shortage of servers, link was not used in 80+ Gbps demonstration)

Wave-C: NLR FrameNet Loop (Caltech -> Reno -> Caltech)

Wave-D: NLR PacketNet (Caltech -> LA -> NLR -> Reno)

Wave-E: NLR FrameNet -> SEA (Reno <-> Michigan, Reno <-> Fermilab)

Wave-F: NLR PacketNet <-> SEA (Reno <-> CERN, , Reno <-> Fermilab)

Wave-G: Abilene (Reno -> KISTI ; Reno -> KNU)